Cornerstone Project
On Sunday, October 15th of 2023, we opened the church cornerstone that was laid in 1963 when Elizabeth Chapel United Methodist Church of Waynesville was erected. The cornerstone was filled with pieces of our church history that offered us an account of our story since the church's beginning in 1896. Our hearts were touched as we read over familiar names of past members. We shared appreciation for our church and love for one another. We pray that the ministry of our church will continue on for many years to come and that it will be a shining light in our community.

Cornerstone Capsule Closing
All are welcome to join us on Sunday, October 6th of 2024 as we add more memorabilia to the cornerstone time capsule before we reseal it for future generations to discover. Our worship service will begin at 11 AM, with a meal and the cornerstone closing to follow. We at Elizabeth Chapel United Methodist Church would love to have you join us in person for this special service at 98 Elizabeth Chapel Road in Waynesville, North Carolina.
Elizabeth Chapel Moments
When the church is meeting the needs of people in our community, our hearts are filled and the love of Christ is displayed. We hope the stories shared below of moments at Elizabeth Chapel United Methodist Church speak volumes for how God is working in our congregation.
June 23, 2024
The psalmist declares “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”
I have breath and I do praise the Lord that he nudged me in the direction of Elizabeth Chapel UMC, when I was looking for a new church. This was late October in 2015. When we think about the Lord’s mighty acts toward us, we cannot help but celebrate Him through praise and worship.
Wouldn’t you think that every vibrant, fruitful, growing congregation, when dealing with a newcomer would practice hospitality and out of genuine love for Christ and others, their laity and pastors grow in faith as they become the Body of Christ. This is exactly what you did to me when I arrived here in October of 2015. Yes, you are guilty of radical hospitality.
When I came here, I knew eight or ten people in the congregation and the transition was very easy for me. From the beginning, I noticed an unusual amount, or at least to me it seemed unusual amount of cohesion, togetherness in getting things done, a lot of people helping people. At this point, I had been a part of, I think six churches. I don’t think I had ever seen this degree of togetherness. Obviously, you like each other a little bit.

I have always believed that we are called to be the hands and feet of Christ here in this world. I saw that happening here right away. This was started before we started naming and pointing out these acts. Now, every Sunday morning when I hear the term “Hands & Feet,” and we start to name and validate these acts, it is truly an Elizabeth Chapel Moment for me.
Being a part of the music here has been a blessing for me. When I came here, I started immediately to sing in the choir. I have been a part of the choir everywhere I have attended church. Music is a joy and I think Gail (Gail Powell) for making it even more so for me. When COVID came along, that changed everything. It meant seeing my mug on this stage more frequently. If there is any joy or benefit extracted from COVID, it may have worked in my favor. Without COVID, I probably would not have provided as many sour notes for you over the months. As I tell folks, I am no speaker, by any means, but I can sing a little bit. This allows me to witness in my own element. I do this with the firm belief that the word of God is just as valid when sung, as it is preached. I must also mention the few times my friends have been up to visit and came here to sing with me.
I love this church….where else could I go to be scolded and belittled by Werhan (Mike Werhan)? I understand though, that he is just getting even for when I told him I had seen better looking heads on lettuce.
One other memorable Elizabeth Chapel Moment. That would be the day when I sang my first solo here to the congregation. It was, “Shepherd in the Arms of God.” And aren’t you lucky? You are going to get to hear it today. I love you all!
C.E. Holder
May 19, 2024

I first came to Elizabeth Chapel after I graduated from college with my bachelor's degree. I was in a period where I was between churches and my friend, Milas, invited me to his home church for one Sunday. As you may or may not know, Milas and I were roommates in college and we talked a lot about getting back and being involved with the Church. So, on one cold Sunday, I came to Elizabeth Chapel through my friend, Milas. Afterwards of going multiple Sundays, I connected with the wonderful people of Elizabeth Chapel. I attended Men’s Breakfast, community outreach like mulching the pathways, and Sunday school. I did anything to get to know more about Elizabeth Chapel. I saw how everyone was so connected and loved one another like Jesus, I decided to join Elizabeth Chapel in March of 2022.
My Hopes and dreams for Elizabeth Chapel are for it to grow in numbers and to continue to be a part of this great community and our home. I hope that we can bring in anyone who’s heart is open to receiving God’s Wisdom and Mercy but also Jesus’s love.
As for the lighthouse class, I hope we can connect with my generation, as we certainly need Jesus. I would love to see young families like Milas and Emily join the church and attend the lighthouse class.
I just wanted to say thank you for letting me be a part of this church and for also letting my Nana be a part of this church as well. For the short time she was able to attend, she felt right at home due to your kindness and for that, I am very grateful.
Noah Taylor
April 28, 2024

It’s hard to put a lifetime of love into one moment, but here it goes.
Elizabeth Chapel and our congregation has been a part of my family since the day I was born. I was baptized here and grew up here. Miss Margaret, my mom Gail Powell, and Lynn Medford were my Sunday School teachers. I learned about kindness, humbleness, and to love the Lord from them.
This church embraced my husband Tim and my children Milas and Max like they were their own. I was married in this church and both of my boys were baptized and became members of this church.
Elizabeth Chapel has been a place of comfort in my saddest times as well as a place of joy in my happiest times. This church and the people here mean the world to me, and I know I am always welcomed with open arms. I thank God for this is where I learned and I am still learning about His Word.
Holly Trull
April 21, 2024
I grew up in a Baptist Family. The little church now known as Peachtree Methodist was Peachtree Baptist in my childhood years. My grandparents and I walked to the services, as many others did at that time. My grandad led singing as I stood by his side thinking I knew how to sing also. I was five or six at the time.
Now as a Methodist my time here has been and still is a learning experience. I have learned different personalities, about the rules of the church, and WNC Conference. I add to what I have gained from working 30 years with Junaluska Conference Center.
I have learned how much this church family cares about each other, and most of all I have been able to study more and more about God and His Son CHRIST JESUS.
Ron and I came here after our marriage 35 years ago. We can count on one hand the Sundays we have missed then til now. Ron came here as a young boy with his family. It was only natural that we would come back to Elizabeth Chapel.
I am so happy to be in GOD’S house with GOD’S people.
Aletha Rogers

April 14, 2024

I was raised in Georgia in a little town called Mountain City. I went to a tiny Methodist Church, and I sang in the MYF and I sang in the Choir. Was in the 60’s when I went to work at DAYCO here. I met my husband, Dale. We worked together about a year, we got married and we built a house on Underwood Cove Road. Dale’s family were members of Elizabeth Chapel. I was so happy that it was a Methodist Church. I started attending and was welcomed lovingly. I met some good people that made me feel like my church was a family.
We had a little precious daughter, and I had her Christened in the church. Dale had another family and had four children whom I love, and I like being around them. My daughter Penny had two of my grandsons and they were Christened in this church too.
I have been a member of this church for over 50 years. I am so thankful for all of you who come to Sunday School, this church and hear the preaching. I just wanted to say thank you so much and God bless you.
God gave us a beautiful spring this year. I had a tree that was in my yard that never bloomed much and this year it just came alive. So, I just brought some to show you and I just loved it. I appreciate y’all, thank you.
Boots Medford
April 7, 2024

My family moved to Ratcliffe Cove in 1946. We went to Elizabeth Chapel the first Sunday and my family has been a part of this church family ever since. The church was in a little white church on the hill before this building was built. The people were so welcoming and supportive that we felt right at home day one.
One of my favorite memories was when Myrtle Camp, Betty Gilliands’s aunt, asked me to play for the Sunday School gathering (I was in the fifth grade). We always had a gathering before we went to our Sunday School classes. I played “Work for the Night is Coming.” Many years later, I am still a member of Elizabeth Chapel.
Gail Powell