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P.R.A.Y.E.R. Journal for Sunday August 18 We are One with Jesus! John 6:51-58

P.R.A.Y.E.R. Journal for August 18, 2024 


Dear Lord,

Remind us once again that we are one with Jesus, one with you, and one with the Holy Spirit.  Your power is more than enough, and we are all in your loving care.  Help us to place our confidence in you Lord as we eat your bread, and drink from your cup.   Help us to remember that you have given us bread from heaven, a glimpse of the eternal life. You have given us Jesus, the best example of what it means to truly serve and witness your love.  Send us out into the world to serve others and sing for joy. We ask all of this in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen


Read:  John 6:51-58



·       What are some of the things you grumble about in your daily life? 

·       Are you in need of healing?

·       Write a prayer asking God to heal you and to use you to share the bread of life. 

·       How will you celebrate what God is doing in your life?



·       How will you give your time, talents, and treasures this week to serve others? 



·       How will you serve God and others this week?



·       We are one with Jesus

 Sermon Notes

Let me summarize this text.   We are one with Jesus. Jesus is encouraging his disciples and encouraging us to be so closely aligned with him and that our flesh becomes one. Our daily lives are to become so closely identified with his that we become one with Christ. This is a reminder that as Jesus lived and died in the flesh so we too live and die in the flesh; that as Jesus suffered, so will his disciples suffer; that as Jesus died and on that third day rose again from the dead, so will we who have put our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior will one day die and rise again to new life. That’s our hope, that’s the Good News of the Gospel.

      This Saturday we will all be reminded of a man that was a good example of what it means to be One With Jesus, Pat Powell. Let me put a plug in for the The Pat Powell Annual Barbecue will be held at the Elizabeth Chapel UM Church on 98 Elizabeth Chapel Road on August 24 from 11am to 6pm.The price of the plate is $12. The meal consists of Barbecue Pork, Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Roll and Dessert. Attendees may eat inside or drive-thru and take home.

    For over forty years Elizabeth Chapel United Methodist Church has held a barbecue as their main fund raiser. Pat Powell, the mastermind, was always thinking of ways that he could help his church. One day he decided to cook barbecue to help raise funds. He talked to others in the church and they came up with a plan. Some years they served pork and other years they served chicken. This event has been  successful in helping fund different missions, both local and abroad.  Pat went home to be with the Lord on June 19, 2023. The Church Council voted to name the fundraiser the Pat Powell Annual Barbecue.

    Everyone is invited to come and enjoy the food, fellowship, and memories this time together evokes.

      Let me just say that is something to sing about.  Sing with joy from the bottom of our heart and remember that we are one with Christ, one with each other and one with the world.  May it be so. Amen!





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