New Sermon Series from January 8 through February 12, 2023

Words for Thought (Matthew 3:16&17) When Jesus was baptized, he immediately came up out of the water. Heaven was opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God coming down like a dove and resting on him. A voice from heaven said, “This is my Son whom I dearly love; I find happiness in him.”
Sermon Notes:
Pray: Dear Lord, take the lead in my life, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen
The Baptism of the Lord is a perfect time to remind us of the commitment to live a life of grace and hope outwardly. Last Sunday we celebrated the New Year and we celebrated Epiphany Sunday. This week we are focused on the star of our covenant with God as we remember our Baptisms. That is why we started this service with the renunciation of sin and a profession of our faith. So today my friends it is possible to let the star and the baptism both speak of the revealing of the light of Christ to the world. Covenant and baptism renewal are both powerful ways to launch a new year for the faithful. Therefore I have prepared a sermon series based on what I think it means to live as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ through the vows we take when we join the church. Thus, the sermon series from today through February 12th will focus on receiving new members into the life of the church and for those of us who are members of the church it will be a time to renew our commitments in the lives we live through this family we call Elizabeth Chapel United Methodist Church.
· January 8 Our United Methodist Vows- Our Promise to Pray - Matthew 3:13-17
· January 15 Our United Methodist Vows= -The Blessings of Presence- I Corinthians 1:1-9
· January 22 Our United Methodist Vows- Share Your Gifts-1 Corinthians 1:10-18
· January 29 Our United Methodist Vows- Serving God and Others 1: Corinthians 1:18-31
· February 5 Our United Methodist Vows- The Impact of our Witness: 1 Corinthians 2:1-16
· February 12 Membership Sunday – 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
· February 5 Our United Methodist Vows- The Impact of our Witness: 1 Corinthians 2:1-16
· February 12 Membership Sunday – 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Apply: How is your prayer life? Why do you pray?
Yield: Prayer is at the heart of who we are as United Methodists. Jesus teaches us how to pray. Developing a strong prayer life will bring more peace and confidence in a person’s daily life. DT Niles definition of evangelism is like “one beggar telling another beggar where to find food.” We are stronger together. We are a community that prays for one another.