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Lazarus, Come Out!

Words for Thought (John 11:25-26)

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me will live, even though they die. Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

As you know my Word for 2023 is Pray. Each week I pray through the scripture lesson for God to reveal the message to us for the week. So I start with a prayer.

Pray: May God bless you to be a community that comes to life with and for one another as God’s Breath of Life sustains us on our journey. Amen.

Then I read the assigned scripture usually from the lectionary or a the sermon series we are doing in the particular season of the church. We just happen to be in the season of Lent and we are using the lectionary texts. I find it interesting how the Bible is lining up with our study on Good Grief that we have been doing on Wednesday nights. This weeks texts is

Read: John 11:1-45 let me encourage you to read it on your own this week then think about how you will apply it to your life with these questions guiding yourt thoughts. While you are reading this scripture think about the story of Lazarus and what it is telling us about the resurrection and the life that Jesus is talking about to the folks so long ago and to us today.

Apply: How would your life be different if you truly believed that Jesus is the resurrection and the life, and whoever believes in him will live again, even if they die?

What will you do differently with this new eternal life?

Yield. God will breathe new life into our current struggles, grief, and pain. Hear those words again for you . (Your name)….Come Out!

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