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Holy Moments Part Four The Power of One Idea

Part Four – The Power of One Idea

  1. Does anyone want to share a Holy Moment they created or experienced since after reading and reflecting on part 3? How did it make you feel? How did the other person feel?

  2. On page 101, Matthew Kelly asks if we will embrace or reject this idea of Holy Moments. What is your response?

  3. What stood out to you in the A World Full of Distractions section on pp. 102- 105? He asks us on p. 104 if we are living a life of focus or distraction? Please share.

  4. What stood out to you in the Never Stay Discouraged section on pp. 105-109? What are your sources of inspiration on p. 107?

  5. What stood out to you in the Be Bold section on pp. 109-116?


6. Please share some of your biggest takeaways from the book.

7. What are some reminders or tips that will help you continue to create Holy Moments after you finish reading this book?


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